On a Linux machine you can mount a remote FTP host on a local filesystem path with various advantages in editing files with a simple command: curlftpfs.
If you are on a Debian based distro you must first install it as usual with
sudo apt-get install curlftpfs
Then you can create a folder path for the remote FTP host:
mkdir /put/this/where/you/like/lol
and finally mounting the remote FTP with:
curlftpfs -o allow_other ftp://user:password@ftp.your_remote_ftp_host.it:21/ /put/it/where/you/like/lol
Remember to change user, password, url and mount point accordingly.
From now you can access your files as a normal folder using your favorite file manager (I'm under Lubuntu so I use PcManFM).
If you want to u(n)mount it simply use umount command:
umount /put/this/where/you/like/lol
That's it.