I've been stuck all day on a stupid problem: I set up a simple Vagrant box with Ubuntu 17.10 to use with Ionic.
I've created a simple blank project with
$ Ionic new myproj blank
then I entered my /vagrant/myproj dir and launched
$ ionic serve.
At first I couldn't reach my app from my browser 'cause I forgot to forward ports from host to guest.
So I added to my Vagrantfile this lines:
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, host: 8100, guest: 8100 config.vm.network :forwarded_port, host: 35729, guest: 35729
It worked: I were able to reach localhost:8100/myproject and see my app but... fuck.
If I tried to edit my code, Ionic couldn't see the changes made to my proj. I must recompile it every time. Not too handy, in fact.
So I googled (and "stackoverflowed") a lot since I found the solution.
I must add this line to my Vagrantfile:
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "rsync"
Then, after putting my box up with vagrant up (or vagrant reload) command, I must launch from another shell this command:
$ vagrant rsync-auto
in order to see my changes take effect.
It worked like a charm.